Journey from HNL (Honolulu) to LHR (Heathrow)
Updated: May 31, 2022
Honestly, the flight from HNL to SFO and SFO to LHR was not bad at all. I thought that I would've dreaded the 15 hour flight, but I was pleasantly surprised as to how comfortable it was. Despite the ease of travel, I can still never sleep on planes mainly because of the amount of excitement I have to discover wherever I am traveling to.
Please enjoy this photo of me half asleep.

I was glad that my flight from HNL to SFO arrive an hour early so I could grab a bite to eat.

I'm glad that they served two meals, two drink and snacks rounds throughout the flight. Great experience ⭐⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The food didn't look that appetizing, but honestly it was actually pretty yummy 😋

Finally Arriving!!!
University of Roehampton!

Upon arriving in LHR, I could automatically feel a sense of change - especially from the rush of cold wind I was welcomed with after departing from the aircraft. Alongside the change in weather, everything here looks very gray and gloomy compared to Hawai'i's picturesque sunny skies and lush green mountains ⛰➡️ 🏙